Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Labor Alert

I am now full-term and almost 38 weeks along. It hasn't really hit me that there will soon be another person living with us. I have everything pretty set to go and I feel prepared, but it still hasn't clicked. I am not on "Labor Alert" as I was with Charis. I feel I know what I am looking for and it hasn't happened yet. However, I do get the occasional "What if it is today?" or "What if I go into labor when Josh and I supposed to be at ...?" See, with Charis the day I went into labor wasn't anything special. I worked a full day and went to the choir potluck that night (so fun to "get rid of" that food). So I am fully expecting to go about my usual routine when suddenly I notice that I have been feeling crampy all day and it seems to be getting worse.

But even with all that floating through my brain, it still hasn't clicked and I am not on Labor Alert. In fact, I told Josh just three days ago that I am not going anytime soon. I just haven't noticed anything changing - no dropping, no bloody show, no cramps, no Braxton Hicks, nothing.

Then things started to change. Nothing too significant, but enough for me to know that I will be having a "pot roast pushed through my nostril" soon. (Kudos to anyone who knows where that is from!) Last time I went to the doctor I was 1cm dialated. She checked me today (OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH!!!!!!) and I was 2cm dialated and 70% effaced. Okay, no big deal. But then she kept going on about how she is working this weekend, so if I deliver she will be at the hospital. And then she told me to schedule another appointment in one week, but she thinks she will be seeing me before then. At this point I am beginning to freak out. I thought she was just trying to get my hopes up and I told her so. She just simply seemed to think that I would probably go this week.

So now I am on Labor Alert.

And it is not so fun. I am totally distracted and kinda frantic about the last, last minute things I need to do. And of course, this could all be for nothing and I could have to be induced.

Grrrr. I was happy not knowing.


graceling said...

Get with the program, sister. I'VE been on labor alert for you for the past 2 weeks!


elj377 said...

Be prepared for labor the 2nd time to be totally different from when you have Charis...if you feel contractions or stuff like that take it seriously...your body will probably go a whole lot faster! It already knows what is going to happen! Good luck...

Talitha said...

OOO! OOO! The nostril is from Friends! YAY!

As for the baby stuff, I am very excited to meet Selah Joy! It is all in God's timing Riah. Maybe He wants you to have her while I am home (PLEASE!!) or maybe not. Either way, it will be perfect and you will have a beautiful baby girl.

As for baby #2, according to all my nursing knowledge gained from my Maternity rotation, yes... it will go much faster and you won't get the signs you got for Charis. Selah probably won't drop until you are in labor. Usually, birthing time is much shorter. Rather than 18 hours, it might only be 6. So just be aware but don't worry. Love you.

All Because a Boy Met a Girl said...

Um... you and I both know that it won't hit you until you are home with your new bundle and everyone in the world wants to come over to say hi. You will finally be hit with realization when all you want to do is cry and grab your child and hide....or I might be projecting my own experiences onto you....

But I think we are all in denial. I think you look so amazing and act totaly normal for a pregnant girl that we forget you are about ot give birth.

Blessed Mommy said...

Yay for finally being on Labor Alert!!! so excited for your baby to join your family, two kids are so much fun!!

E and K said...

Wow, seriously?! I can't believe you could pop any day! Just wait until after next Sunday's Bread group!

Chicago Momma said...

Very exciting! I have dropped and am starting my "Labor Alert" too! I still can't get over the fact that we have the same due date (you're the 20th right?) Any tips to a first time mom?

Anonymous said...

oh how i miss you!! I have been thinking of you daily...you are probably having little Selah right now. well, know that I am praying for you..it's gonna be so great!