Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No Oasis, No Daddy

We had a fun day today. We hung out with my sis, which Charis now refers to as "TT". I had to deal with four poopy diapers before 2:00pm. When I was changing one of Charis's I got some...excretion... on Talitha's white down comforter. Amazingly it all came out with a miracle-working diaper wipe. And Talitha still loved Charis and me after the event. Selah on the other hand had her three-days-of-waiting poop. It was everywhere, but thankfully I heard it coming so I had her on a changing pad. Oh the joys and mad-hot skills of being a mom.
On a related note, check out the film below...

Yes, Charis went pee pee in the potty! And she told me she had to go. It was after our family bath/shower (yes, I am amazing) and we were getting her pajamas on. She looked at me and said "pee pee", so I rushed her naked bum to her potty, all the while telling her to hold it. After this wonderful and joyous occasion she immediately signed and said "Eat", expecting a M&M treat. I was more than happy to reward her. So for the rest of the night I have been praising her for going "pee pee on the potty" (I have made up a song). She must think I am nuts.

Selah also learned to do something today. She has slowly been getting proficient at scrunching her feet up and arching her back, which results in movement. She does this when she cries in her crib, so she will move the length of her crib and have her head wedged against the bars. She also does this when in her swing. Now I typically don't strap her in (Josh always does because he is a good daddy). Today I laid her down in the swing to have her nap a bit more. After a couple minutes of crying I came into the room to see her in the bottom corner of this bowl swing, in a ball, feet in the air, about to fall out. (No wonder why she was crying) So from seeing this, I now vow to buckle her not only in her swing, but also when I have her hanging out in her car seat. (Yes, she is always strapped in when I am driving.) This picture is further proof of this new trick. I sat her in the corner of the couch and she slid all the way down, resulting in a scrunched up face.
Charis likes to play with Selah's toys and sit in her boppy.

Happy feet

As I try to explain in this movie, Selah doesn't typically sleep until she has to feed. So that last 30-45 minutes I need to hold her to keep her content. Today I tried putting her in the Snuggle Me (or whatever it is called) and doing some work. She was content, I got Charis's dinner ready and I even put on an apron to wash the dishes.
So we didn't have Oasis and we didn't have Daddy. We can survive without Oasis, but I am not sure how much longer without our Daddy.

1 comment:

graceling said...

That apron look is HOT!
