Monday, August 6, 2007

New Job and Morning Sickness

Today was my first day at my new job, and I was so excited! I walked in and he essentially said, "Can you send this out?", which means prep the file to go to the investor/underwriter. (Not sure if that clarification made it any better for you.) I kinda looked at him funny, thinking I don't know your software, I don't know the state of this file, I don't know where any of your forms are, etc. But then I did it! It was very satisfying.
After that I insisted on a little more training, more like self-training though. I started hunting around the office for the stuff I knew I would need to process files. The only way this job is going to work is if I we both are VERY organized. No problem for me and I will get him there.
I guess nothing I did today was very exciting or impressive. It was the feeling I got doing all that unexciting, unimpressive stuff - THIS IS WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING! I am not meant to watch other people's children. I am meant to sit in a cubicle, stare at a computer and play with paper. And it is glorious!

On a sadder note, my morning sickness sucks... no actually, it blows. It seems to be worse this pregnancy than with Charis. With her I would be nauseous until around 11am and then it would be fine. This time I am throwing up, feeling completely drained all the time and even nauseous all day long. It is a sad thing. I just hope it ends with my first trimester, like Charis. Otherwise I am going to give Colby a timeout (I don't think spankings will be quite effective yet.)

OH! AND TODAY IS MY HONEY'S BIRTHDAY! He is 26 and not dead and I am glad because I like him! I am so blessed to have Josh as my hubby. He takes care of me when I am lazysick all the time and loves Charis so much. It is so beautiful to watch. So happy birthday honey! I am so glad that I get to spend my life with you!


Eryka said...

Happy Birthday, Josh!

And Moriah, I understand the need to play with paper and organize things till it makes others sick! I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Moriah! Yeah for new jobs and even morning sickness (it means a healthy baby).

I will be praying for you with your illness and your joy to continue with your new job.

Love you hon1

graceling said...

I completely understand the morning sickness stuff... you know how bad it was for me. But then, look how great Abigail turned out to be... and how short my labor was!

Glad you are happy at the new job.

Happy Birthday Josh. Thanks for knocking up my best friend... twice!

elj377 said...

Happy Birthday to Josh! Hey, did you throw up with Charis, I didn't puke at all with my daughter but was kinda sick, the second time around I was super sick all the time and we had a boy! You never know it could be a little Josh to go with your little sweetie! Hope you feel better and that you continue to love the new job!

Mandalina said...

Hooray for the new job and for Josh's birthday! Happy Birthday, Josh!

I don't enjoy throwing up. It's not fun. I'm sorry. I guess it's part of the pregnancy thing but that doesn't mean it's fun. I hope it passes soon!