Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Teething, Weaning, Puke, Diarrhea and Allergies

So Charis is teething. She has been teething for over a week now. She has woken us up a couple times at night with it. At first we didn't know what was wrong. We thought maybe she was hungry, so we fed her. That didn't work. We thought maybe she had a wet diaper, so we changed her. That didn't work. We thought maybe she had a bad dream, so we held her. That didn't work. Then Josh was amazing and thought she might be teething, so we put Baby Orajel on her gums. Hallelujah! The crying stopped and she went right to sleep. It looks like all four of her top teeth are coming in at once. But after a week plus the teeth still haven't cut through. She goes to the doctor on Friday for her 9 months check up (can you believe it!), so I will ask him then. And to top it all off she has been getting the standard teething fever with all of this too.
Charis also seems to be weaning herself. I have noticed the past couple days that she dropped her feeding time a bit, but today I had a bit of a shock. I had nothing on one side for her lunch feeding and nothing on both sides for her afternoon feeding. I had to give her a bottle. But it wasn't like she wasn't interested. She was very interested and frustrated that there wasn't anything there. ?????????? I don't understand. I am not stressed. I am not overly active. I have been getting plenty of sleep and plenty of liquids. And I am not pregnant. So I am shopping for formula tomorrow. And I can only hope that there will still be milk for breakfast and bedtime.
All of this leads to the puke story of my afternoon. So I fed her a bottle with 5oz of formula because everyone says she should be up to 5-6oz by now. I doubt that she was getting that from me recently, but I wasn't sure. She didn't quite finish it. I then gave her her solids. She kinda ate it lethargically, but ate it nonetheless. After she was all done I was holding her and she started to gag. I held out my hand to catch what she might throw up, but... there was no way I could catch all that. She easily threw up her dinner, formula and lunch. I mean I rarely throw up that much. Thankfully we were over the hard wood floor and not the carpet. I just stood there watching it continue to come out, not knowing what to do. When it was done she started to cry, rightfully so. She was obviously scared and we were both covered in barf. I took her to the bathroom and cleaned us both up. And then I cleaned the floor. I almost took a picture for you guys, but I thought that it would be too much. But so you understand, the barf splash radius was at least five feet.
After all of this I decided a shower for us both would be nice. When I took off her diaper I saw she had diarrhea. Her diapers have been "looser" recently and I think I can attribute it to the mango I have been giving her. So I guess mango doesn't work in her system, because it was also in her barf. But now I am beginning to wonder if she is allergic to it because she has a rash forming on her back. I am dropping the mango all together and we will see what happens. FYI, I think she puked because she overate, not because she was allergic to anything.

There is so much going on in my little girl's body. It is hard to watch and I feel so out of control. Please pray that I lay this before God and trust Him with this.

Why does everything happen at once?


Laura Siegrist said... i know what to look forward to! just kidding, i'm sorry you two are having a rough day. or rough few days. i can't tell you why it all happens at once, but at least it's not being dragged out! hope she feels better!

graceling said...

Yes, I would cut out the mango. In general, most kids don't do well with citrus fruit until they are a bit older.

Also, I think the phrase "barf splash radius" is the best thing I've heard all day.

Eryka said...

Moriah. You handle puke so well. I think I might avoid having children for moments that you so elequently just described.