So I was looking at my daughter and thinking how much she resembles a Who from
How the Grinch Stole Christmas when I realized there is a discrepancy is this beloved Christmas story. And it is this: Why didn't San-dee Claaa-zz ever show up? You would figure that in a children's story that Santa is real and would make an appearance, maybe even invite the Grinch out on next years run with him, but he never comes. I mean, little Cindy-Lou has to deal with the fact that Santa didn't come to stick up for himself and save the day. I am sure this will cause her to doubt his existence at all, thereby ruining her childhood. What do you think? Am I the only one who has ever thought of this? Probably not, but I just may be the only one who has spent this much time thinking about it.
Santa Clause is sinful.
Jesus is the reason for the season.
And yes, I am holier than thou.
And yes, your kid looks like a Seuss character... in a good way.
I really don't see any Seuss-ness. Maybe the way you styled her hair is Seussesque, but her face is just cute. No Seuss.
As for your ponderments, I didn't enjoy the Jim Carrey version, so I'm a little lost with the whole Santa Claus bit. For me, I knew by Kindergarten that Mr. Claus wasnt real and I turned out just fine. I think I even told you he wasn't real and you argued with me and we got in an "almost fight". (you and I both know we've only fought once over Nintendo). I think my mom or your mom stopped our "almost fight" to let you believe in Santa Claus and make me feel like a fool. I'm really glad I won eventually though. :-)
I don't know about Santa, but Charis would definitely make a cute little Cindy-Lou-Who. ;)
Glad to her that she's doing so well. I hope you three are having a good summer thus far!
She does look like a Who! Aww! Only in that picture though.
I think the Jim Carey version was awful. I'm a fan of the classic version. As for Santa... well, I think he didn't show up because he was already half way around the world delivering presents to other families. Maybe Santa knew he'd eventually learn that Christmas wasn't about presents.
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