Charis has been taking to solids really well this past week. And with that, we have experienced some of her first solid poops. (There will be a picture below - so be warned!) Nothing too significant to write about (they are more green now - I can't wait until she has bright orange carrots!). However, since they have been more solid they have been more ... difficult ... for her to pass them. Yesterday Josh was spending some time with her right before bed when her bowels began to empty themselves. It was so hilarious! No more poop explosions, just the strained faces, little grunts and labored breathing of an innocent and unabashed six month old. I mean we all do those same things from time to time, but it is in the privacy of our own bathrooms. She just did it for all the world to see, and Josh and I couldn't contain our laughter.
What made it even more hilarious was Josh's reaction to it. He can't handle poopy diapers anyway, but to be holding his precious little girl as she scrunched up her red face and made rude noises and very smelly poop was a little much for him. To make sure that he didn't hand her over to me I grabbed the camera and got some pics and video of this funny experience, and then I made him change her diaper! Score one for the momma!
Laugh away!
Oh that's too funny! I'm so glad that you made him change her diaper! Even when she's pooping she looks cute!
Also, that last pic of the poopie... it looks kinda like chicken poo.
Sometimes I make that same face... but usually because a patient is loosing control of their bowels right in front of me.
What have you been feeding her? Frog? Grass? Green beans?
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