Happy Fourth of July! Yeah, I know it is a few days late, but at least I have pictures! This year we decided to celebrate Independence Day by going downtown to see the fireworks. It was a last minute thing, but we were able to get a good group of us together. The fireworks are actually on Tuesday, so we all got off work early and were settled right on Lake Michigan by 4pm. We had a fun afternoon playing cards, people watching (wow, are there some... i
nteresting people in Chicago!), and being lazy. The Taste of Chicago was going on too, so Josh and I got dinner down there. Pretty good and not that expensive considering what we had heard. Charis was all over the place and loved seeing all the different people around her. She wanted to move, so we were thankful for all the willing hands of our friends who would entertain her for a while. (More about our day below...)

Playing with mama

Playing cards - Brandon and I were a pretty amazing team

Chris entertaining Charis

Sleepy baby

Okay, when we got downtown there was easily 10-20 feet between our blankets and the people next to us. By the time the fireworks started people had taken up every piece of grass and were beginning to invade our blankets. The crowds kinds creeped Josh out.

So more about the fireworks... We chose out this great spot by the lake with beautiful trees and there happened to be one tree right in front of us. We didn't think anything of it because we thought the fireworks would be high above it. Nope. We were wrong. After traveling 2 hours to get down there and hanging out on the lawn for another 5 hours all to see the fireworks, they were all behind a tree. We had three blankets so all ten of us crammed onto the one that had the least obstructed view. It wasn't bad, but the fireworks were no better than Batavia. We had a great afternoon downtown, but I think the next time we go will be just for a regular summer day to enjoy Chicago.
BTW, Charis liked the fireworks - not afraid at all. She even fell asleep while watching them... I mean, what kid falls asleep while watching booming, thundering fireworks? And for those of you who missed this year's fireworks show here are some pics for you. (Note the tree in the bottom right.)

Oh yeah, to make things a little more interesting... It started to drizzle while the fireworks were going. By the time we had packed up it was gently raining. And then during our walk back it was raining. The drive home it was pouring. And by the time we hit Randall people were putting on their hazard lights and pulling over. Praise the Lord the rain held off an hour!
Happy Fourth of July!
such a quality time, charis was amazing for staying up so late and with so many people....and josh and I at euchre...mmmm....it was nice:)
By the way, I was at the Szobody's, and I held Chris and Angela's baby, Simeon, during fireworks, and he fell asleep amongst the booms and flashes of light too.
I hear you three might be coming out our way soon! Keep us posted! And yay for us Harry Potter fans who are going to the midnight showing tonight! :)
Hey, that means you'll have seen it by the time it begins on our coast! Ah well. :)
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