Friday, April 27, 2007


Freak me out. My baby has had a high fever the past couple days. On Tuesday night I was holding her and happened to kiss her forehead. I thought it was really hot. So Josh and I tried to take her temperature. The first thermometer didn't work. (AHH! the waiting!) But the second one did. We took it rectally because that is supposed to be the most accurate. (She doesn't even notice it.) It said 103.0. I tried to remain calm. We took it under her armpit... 102.7. Then Josh took his temperature to see if it was just the thermometer. Nope. He was at his typical low 97.8 or something. I immediately called a nurse friend at the church who made it all sound like it isn't a big deal. She said be worried at 104 degrees. We gave her baby Tylenol, pushed liquids and let her sleep.
But it still freaked me out. This is the first time Charis has ever been sick in her eight months of life. She has had a runny nose once or twice, but that isn't anything. And why is it okay for little babies to have fevers that high, when if we adults had them we would be VERY ill?
I kept having flashes to the beginning of City of Angels where the little girl has a high fever. Her mom finds out and rushes her to the emergency room only to see her die. Why is it as parents so easy to worry and imagine the worst for your children? I never freak out this way about Josh. But I can easily lose it if I let my mind wander down those dark paths when it comes to Charis``. It makes me pray more. But I don't feel like I have really relied on the Lord through this trial. It has been much easier to let my mind dwell on my fears then to stay in His perfect peace. I wish I was better about that.
It is now Friday and her temperature is pretty much back to normal. We are going to the doctor though. She has a bit of a cough and is congested. I figure, why not? What would it hurt. I will keep you guys posted.

(BWT, for all you nurses out there - no, I don't believe she has an ear infection. And I also don't believe she is teething. )


graceling said...

Doesn't sound like an ear infection or teething to me... a UTI or just an infection of some sort...

Babies do get high fever- not sure why it's okay for them and not us- but in the future you may also try baby Motrin (check with your doc.)

Love you and thinking about you and baby C. Haha. Now I am going to call her Hi C.

I know. I'm a dork.

Dr. John said...

Did you all like physics? If you didn't you aren't going to like this post.

The reason a high fever isn't as much as a problem in infants is that they have a high surface area to body mass ratio. This means there is lots of skin to sweat and allow evapoation to cool the body. A baby can run a high fever for a long time without crossing the critical threshold that would cause brain damage. In an adult, we have a much lower suface to mass ratio and fevers can more easily cascade out of control. Additionally, a fever is an infant's best defense against an infection because they simply don't have the antiboties that adults have.

That being said, all fevers need to be watched. Don't put them to bed and not check on them until morning. However, a fever that can be broke with infant motrin or tylenol does not need to be emergently seen by a doctor, even if the fever comes back ever 4-6 hours when the meds wear off. They need to be seen emergently if the fever dehydrates them (i.e. they stop making wet diapers, stop creating tears, or have an indented fontanel) or if they have persistant diarrhea, persistant cough, or other conserning symptoms.

Hope this helps ease your worries.

Moriah said...

Thanks guys. I do feel better educated. And your post was not nearly as terrible as Physics, which is the only class I could barely scrape by with a C. It is a good thing God made people like you who actually like that stuff.

Blessed Mommy said...

hope your sweet girl is ok! keep us posted!! hopefully nothing that's too big of a deal!

Eryka said...

I'm glad we have Dr. John. He eased my worry. And I loved Physics at WA.