Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fever Update and Crawling

Her temperature is back to normal and the doctor's visit was pointless. He said it was just a cold that she would have to work through. Oh well. And I found out that she is still less than 16 pounds, with her clothes on! I must be starving her. I am going to increase what she eats or soon her weight will be off the charts! Oh, but the doctor did give me some good tips on getting her to crawl.
Speaking of, she hates being on her stomach and has practically forgotten how to roll over. I have been working with her since yesterday's visit and the rolling over is back. He said put objects just out of her reach, which I have done, but when she can't reach it she ignores it and plays with her toes. So this morning I used a sure-fire motivation - I let her "pursue" the TV remote. She was then rewarded with 30 secs of holding it (you should have seen how she looked at it, like she was holding this sacred treasure!); then I snatched it back before she got any funny ideas.
Our doctor also said have her crawl on pillows because they have more give then the floor. So she has been rolling and moving over those this morning. Not bad. And he said get her out of the exer-saucer. Her favorite - oh well.
Hopefully through all of this she will be more motivated to crawl. If you guys have any suggestions please send them my way.


graceling said...

Abigail didn't crawl until she was 8 months old... but then she was running by 10 months. My suggestion is this: she will do it when she is ready, and you should enjoy the fact that she can't follow you around (like, when you need some personal time in the bathroom) because as soon as she can crawl, you will never have a moments peace, and you will have to keep the toilet lid closed so that she can't do anything disgusting! Your daughter will not be refusing to crawl when she goes to kindergarden, I promise!

Also, if you really are concerned about her weight you can supplement with formula. Or just focus on giving her some high protien foods to help gain.

Love you!

Dr. John said...

Grace wishes me to inform you that my cat weighs more than your daughter and thus if you get in a pinch you might be able to fatten her up with chicken liver in gravy.

Blessed Mommy said...

well, she's still bigger than our girls, and they're almost one!!! so fun to know each child is so uniquely created by God!!!

elj377 said...

So glad she is feeling better! As someone who has two kids and worked in baby rooms at daycares, the best thing I can recommend is get her out of the swings, saucers, chairs, etc. If she is forced to be on the floor she will get bored and want to move to different things. On the other hand, they really do grow up really fast and you'll miss the "slug" phase--That's when they can't really move on their own! I have two and so wish at times that they couldn't get away from me the way that they do!